Contact Us
Thank you for being one of the self-selected few. We are devoted to personally responding to your request and look forward to answering your questions or providing additional information about our programs.

Each day, hundreds of individuals visit our website. Out of those hundreds, a self-selected few decide to contact us. From those few, the students of Mystery School emerge, choosing a journey of teachings and experiences capable of changing their perspective of life and self. Those self-selected initiates decide on a chance to wake up.
Thank you for being one of the few who are spiritually tenacious and curious. We are devoted to personally responding to your request. Within 24 hours, you will hear from us, acknowledging receipt of your request and letting you know what action is being taken on your behalf ~ a brochure being dropped into the mail, an answer to your question, or that your request has been referred to someone who can better assist you.
We honor your inquiry and privacy!
The nature of your request will determine the information we need.
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