Esoteric School
As Graduates of Mystery School, Esoteric School initiates share a taste of awakening; possessing an energetic technology that grounds subtle teachings through the senses into the body, rather than through the mind. Like Mystery School, individual experiences are unique, yet recognized as not separate.

Nine Gates Mystery School and Esoteric School were true highlights of my life. They opened my eyes and my whole being to a different way of seeing, of existing, of knowing ~ a way both connected and content, united and universal. It was one of the seminal gifts of my time on this planet and gratitude is not a big enough word to describe my feelings about it.
Erik C Darien, CT
Often during my daily life and in navigating these unprecedented times, I return to the practices and experiences of Esoteric School. An inner alchemy ignites. I return to myself, knowing all I need is to be present, curious, completely embodied. Esoteric School prepared me to step into a CEO position. The School is an invaluable education for those committed to being way-showers. Thank you!
Darshan M Big Island, HI
Mystery School opened gateways of energy and doors of perception. Since participating in the Esoteric School, I have watched those perceptions take form and those energies take flesh in me so that the earth is fed.
Steven BCambridge, MA
There were many takeaways for me from Esoteric School, which have become integral to my everyday life. One of the biggest was the visceral experience and understanding of my connection with Earth. Another was the heightened awareness that reality is so much more than we think it is, and thus the humbling acceptance that we can’t pretend to really know anything through only our thinking minds.
Mike ASan Mateo, CA
Experiential, transformative, very deep, in the body and the breath, an emptying out to Spirit and the Collective from deep within. The time spent before the school meets, with the weekly experiences and exercises and intimate connection to the group, is key preparation work, and at the same time stands on its own. On the precipice? Take the leap into the unknown. It is well worth it.
John Thomas TBerkeley Springs, WV
No words describe the deeply transformative experience of Esoteric School... with the shifts, changes, and new ways of being happening in my life in every moment. My gratitude knows no bounds during this challenging time of collective transmutation into Unity Consciousness; for the Love and Teachings imbibed at Esoteric School hold me in a space of open heartedness, joy, truth, and service.
Deborah SOakland, CA
Esoteric School! It was a mystery! What I found was a sacred place to explore more of my authentic self. A joyous space of possibilities was created with various teachers, fellow seekers, and staff. I was challenged and supported in a loving way. While truly a group event, I had a very personalized journey. I penetrated my very core to realize “yes there is I and We.” I wrestled with the construct of self to find myself in the esoteric space of really living ~ feeling ~ acting from my heart in the moment. What a gift to give myself and those I love!
Lynn SFt. Mitchell, KY
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