
Mystery School


Individuals from around the world graduate from Mystery School and Nine Gates Graduate programs.  They attend conference workshops, Strategic Partner-sponsored events, and other international training in countries such as England and Turkey. 

Nine Gates Mystery School is a catapult in consciousness. It is for anyone who comprehends that we are architects of evolutionary processes and therefore co-creators in our unfolding and becoming. I experienced deeper levels of liberation, clarity, fearlessness, devotion, and potential through the highly honed, structured, and purposeful rituals and experiential practices of the school. I grew in confidence, presence, integrity to self and others, and I deepened my relationship with Source. The benefits are unspeakable and life changing, transforming every area of my life. I continue to refer to them decades later. A grateful heart Graduate.

Martha C ~ Louisville, KY

A strange thing has happened. I let go! I released my desires, needs, wants, goals, and even ambition. I let go of something. “Not for me”, I thought, “but for others.” I let go of something! I found I was willing to sacrifice of myself and give up, or give over, to Spirit, it seems. When I did, a very strange thing happened. All those gifts began to come to me. I am incredibly blessed and wish to be a blessing to others.

Chuck H ~ Missoula, MT

There was a hidden gem in the high desert in California, where Hawks fly free. I needed to find the piece of me that was hidden underneath sorrow and kept me from flight. Nine Gates Mystery School; a study of the mystic, all things esoteric and mysterious and practical in magical ways. This is where my hidden piece was waiting to be found… loved… answered. I was brought to remembrances, to internal knowing that had been lost in the encumbrances of today’s overwhelm. I found freedom.

Tina L ~ Vancouver, WA

Throughout the journey of Mystery School, the Teachers and Staff were supportive and available. The sense of a healthy and stable environment played an essential role as students are always in a state of surprise to what is going to happen next. This sense of “mystery” is the most important thing, enabling students to let go and open to the amazing things that are about to happen.

Margaret M ~ Tucson, AZ

It’s one thing to ponder the mysteries of life.It’s another to experience them. And the ideal is to embrace and embody them. Mystery School offers the entirety of this embodied energetic experience! Where and how I travel is now up to me. One thing I know: Nine Gates opens the door to an incredible journey.

Tom S ~ Portland, OR

If you want to embrace the chaos of life and be at peace with uncertainty. If you want to let go of unwanted baggage that keeps you from being present. If you want to feel your vulnerability as a doorway to your freedom. If you want to nourish your destiny…. Then knock at the Mystery School door. This school has taught me to drop my defenses and surrender to the teachings of my heart.

Tejpal K ~ Tucson, AZ

Mystery School is an experience like no other. Each Teacher has the endless capacity to present the curriculum experientially, in an articulate and passionate way. The program is seamless, fostering an environment of genuine compassion and trust I have never experienced before. So powerful and effective. I felt completely safe to embrace everything, even when I felt resistant.

Jennifer F ~ Ferndale, MI

While I was a successful corporate woman, when I arrived at Mystery School, I was in search of myself. Nine Gates changed my life, gave purpose to my life, opened my eyes, and gave me the courage to be my true Self. I left the corporate world and became a healer, spiritual coach, and elder of a Lodge. I feel I am a testimonial to all the school has to offer.

Gayle J ~ Hartland, MI

Mystery School is an experience in which nothing is superficial! Nothing is trivial. Everything Counts. Everything has purpose and meaning, and there is no apparent boundary to that purpose and meaning. Not many situations in life provide such gifts!

Mike A ~ San Mateo, CA

My life has forever changed since graduating from Nine Gates Mystery School. Not only did I discover a deeper understanding of myself, but I found a community ~ a family of like-hearted individuals. I finally understand what it means to belong… and still be able to express my individuality.

Jamie D ~ Reno, NV

Mystery school was by far the greatest choice I have ever made. I am grateful every day for the synchronicities that brought Nine Gates to merge with my life path. My awareness of self and Self” took on a far greater meaning. I am an empowered human seeing through eyes filled with Love-Light. Like I have a bag of tricks, which is my way of speaking of the tools and skills I learned that enable me to ride the waves of my human existence with more ease and grace. I am Spiritually promiscuous in that I use and practice from many different teachings every day, and in so many ways. I would not hold this multicultural view without having stepped through the doors of Nine Gates Mystery School. For that I am eternally grateful.

Judith P ~ Asheville, NC

Mystery School helped me journey toward my inner self, through love and service to others. The spirit of Mystery School beckons those who hear the call to live awakened and aware of their divine nature.

Janet ~ Hollister, CA

My relationship to everything and everyone has more present-moment awareness. I can wake-up in the middle of old patterned behaviors and thoughts. Like a ministry, I feel that my Mystery School training and experience lives through me out in the world ~ at the grocery store, on the phone, with strangers, and my dearest, familiar loved ones. I am available to be the opening through which Spirit expresses. I can be an active force of kindness, resilience, courage, and possibility. My connection to the entire Nine Gates Graduate Community roots me in the experience of being human, unique but not separate.

Jan K ~ Walnut Creek, CA

The experience of Mystery School is a confirmation and firsthand awareness that the energetic blocks and trappings within our physical form can be eliminated entirely without manifesting into physical form and/or ailment if we do the work, allow, surrender and release.

Nancy S ~ Summerville, SC

Mystery School provided me the solid foundation to not only believe in myself, but to discover who that person really is. I walked away with a sense of peace and a greater compassion for that divine being within. The light within my heart shines brighter than before, helping me create stronger connections with the outside world. Everything I do now has greater meaning and purpose. Everyone in this world would benefit from attending Mystery School.

Lucy G ~ Palm Springs, CA

It was a true healing that I did not even know I needed. I was carrying around wounds that were affecting my everyday life. Through my experience I was able to let all of that go. I replaced that empty space with a connection to this earth and this life experience that has been completely fulfilling. I left Mystery School feeling whole, ready to interact with the world in a new way.

Lysa B ~ Gig Harbor, WA

I waited 34 years for the experience of Mystery School. Shortly after I arrived, the fear I had carried for so long began to shift. As the days went on, experience after experience, opening after opening, my entire being began to relax. And by the end of Part II, with tears filling my eyes, I knew that if I died at any moment I would be at peace. Thank you for offering all of us our life.

Shannon T ~ Los Angeles, CA