
Welcome! You are in!

As Graduates of the Mystery School, we have shared significant experiences capable of expanding our view of self, of each other, and of our world. May we continue exploring, in the name of possibility and purpose.

Our website serves to introduce Nine Gates to the public ~ our experiential programs, our community, and our commitment to a more compassionate and peaceful Earth as part of spiritual growth. Our vision, however, is that our website also serves you. That its beauty, ease of access, content and images, all speak to you of your own experiences of Nine Gates and reminds you of an essential awakening. That it is personal and something you are proud to share, when appropriate.

NEW Article #17

17 ~ Talking With My Daughter About God

Once upon a time, I spent 53 weeks in an RV, looking for God in America. Venturing 26,000 miles through 41 states, I spoke with hundreds of people about their connection with whatever transcendent force they recognized. READ MORE

Graduate Directory

Have you ever wanted to reach out to a classmate, or connect to a fellow Graduate you spoke with once, or met at a Graduate Event?  Our Graduate Directory can help you do that ~ can be a resource for staying connected and building deeper community, as well as finding new Graduate friends from around the world.

Your Directory is searchable by name and  graduation year.

Search for yourself and see what you find!

Resource Library

We are just beginning to explore the edges of what our Library can become and how it can best serve our Community and in turn serve your communities. In addition to the materials currently contained in the Library, we have explored different ways to engage intentional practice groups and to use technology as an extension of our Temple.

Each month we create and announce a new offering in the Library. Those announcements are sent to interested Graduates via Constant Contact. If you are not receiving those announcements and would like to hear what’s new each month, please contact us.