Program Structure

Mystery School is an inter-spiritual experience of total immersion with 9 Master Teachers from the Hawaiian, Native American, Spiritual Psychology, Sufi, esoteric Christian, Hindu, Sound Healing, Kabbalah, and Buddhist wisdom traditions.
Organized around the human energy centers [chakras], the teachings and direct experiences of Mystery School trace the movement of human awakening up the spine, from root to transpersonal. The School is an intense training of embodiment, psychological and spiritual energies, mindfulness, non-dual awareness, and the evolving capacity of the human heart field.9
Part I – Embodied Awareness
From root to heart, the training and experiences of Part I include:
GATE ONE [root]
Through the ancient Hawaiian traditions, experience your body as not separate from the rhythms and cycles of nature, the heavens, and creation. Embrace yourself as “here,” grounded.
GATE TWO [sacral]
Explore the true spirit of community through the African tradition. Learn the healing qualities of the belly center and the tantric awareness of inter-connectivity. Experience yourself as part of something alive.
GATE THREE [solar plexus]
View of Self
Train to unbind from your limiting stories of self and other, to recover the right use of your will. Spiritual psychology experiences and Native American ritual are the backdrop for rediscovering your Essence.
GATE FOUR [low heart]
View of Self
Unarmored, your heart field becomes an organ of perception, healing, and grace. The esoteric Sufi teachings of sound, dance, breath, and forgiveness access the heart’s capacity and strength to live unconditioned and purposeful.
Bridge Between Part I and Part II
The 5-1/2 months between Part I and Part II are integral to the ongoing experience of the Mystery School. Weekly practices and Google Group discussions deepen the teachings of Part I and uniquely prepare you for the Part II turn toward embodied, non-dual awareness.
Part II – Expansion
Building on the embodied awareness of Part I, Mystery School continues. From high heart to transpersonal, the increasingly subtle and penetrating training of Part II includes:
GATE FIVE [high heart]
Agape / Bhakti
Experience the high heart energetic turn into the subtle nature of love beyond personhood. Deep within the wisdom teachings of Esoteric Christianity and the Hindu tradition, explore surrendering and opening to the Divine within.
GATE SIX [throat]
Power of Voice
Explore the quality of sound and the power of the voice to either harm… or heal. Train to speak consciously, using the vibration of your own throat to lessen suffering.
GATE SEVEN [third eye]
Unseen Realms
Through a deep dive into the Kabbalah, bridge the seen and unseen realms, experiencing the depth of as above, so below, and as within so without as the Sacred Marriage of Divine and Human, formless and form.

GATE EIGHT [crown]
Dying Awake
Leap into the Great Mystery of death with the Tibetan Buddhist teachings as your guide and gatekeeper. What survives physical death… and what continues? Experience it!
GATE NINE [transpersonal]
Non-Dual Awareness
Experience directly that unitive awareness does not negate distinction, and that difference can exist without being separate. Unwrap that koan and change your view of life forever. All life becomes on purpose.
From root to transpersonal… awake and living lucid!
~ Tom Soma