Nine Gates Esoteric School
Teachers of the Esoteric School are devoted to human awakening; not as a concept or idea, but rather as an embodied wisdom-seed planted deep in the nested bodies of the human [physical, emotional, psychological, mental, and spiritual].

Esoteric School Teachers are bridges between the invisible and visible, devoted to grounded experiences into which the esoteric takes root. They teach that form and formless are an interactive spectrum. They share a vision where we train into realization, knowing our thoughts, reactivity, and conditioned tendencies create a karmic path of non-lucid living ~ a path which can be altered. Together they walk the talk of letting go, as the path of liberation.
Click on photos to read bios
Deborah Jones ~ Spiritual Leader and Founder
Deborah has worked intensely with wisdom keepers from around the world ~ practicing the healing arts, shamanism, the integrative application of the Hindu and Buddhist tantric paths, tribal trance dance, the transpersonal psychology of spiritual awakening through the energy and emotional bodies, and other ancient arts of the wisdom tradition schools. Her spiritual initiations led her to Egypt, India, Greece, Turkey, Australia, Rome, the Yucatan, and the Orient.
Deborah devotes her life to the awakening spirit, alive and vital in all human beings. You will feel this devotion flowing toward you when you meet. In this way, she serves as the cornerstone of Nine Gates' Graduate community. As Graduates of Mystery School, you already know of these things.
"No longer can we afford to simply talk about living awake.
Those days are gone, and the luxury of pretense
is now recognized as non-lucid living.
As Mystery School Graduates,
we are reminded that we are not a fixed thing.
Rather, I am meant to evolve, and I have a role in that evolution.
I can either choose to create my own life,
or abdicate the shaping of my life to coincidence and reactivity."
~ Deborah
Deborah Jones
Tejpal ~ Tantric Yoga
At a very early age, Tejpal was interested in the process of death and dying ~ not as a place of pain and loss ~ but rather as a fundamental quality of life on earth. From the perspective of death, she understood that each human being can experience infinity. And that what limits our ability to engage with life from this perspective is our mind’s incessant need to divide the infinite into finite perceptions. Exploring this exchange between finite and infinite as a human phenomenon is what propelled Tejpal to study with renowned healers and with Chi Gong and Yogic Masters... and ultimately to embrace her life's work.
A mind-body-spirit discipline has always been at the core of Tejpal’s lifestyle, her healing practice, and her teaching ~ a discipline not as a set of rules to follow, but rather as an opportunity to deepen intimacy with one’s self through the heart center. From the heart, we can sit with our darkness [Gu] and our light [Ru], allowing the idea of separation to dissolve and infinity / oneness to emerge.
"A finely tuned sense of discipline, imbued with self-compassion, becomes the doorway to high-sense perception, inner peace, and the ultimate release of dying into every moment. Within this realization of impermanence, emerges compassion for our world."
~ Tejpal
Tejpal Spring
Andrew Holecek
In 1987, Andrew began his study of Tibetan Buddhism, a study that soon became his life's work. The heart of his spiritual determination led him to Nepal, India, Bhutan, and Tibet, where he studied extensively with great masters. Andrew's personal experiences, initiations, and devoted practices shape the deep well in which his teachings live.
Considered an expert in the Tibetan yogas of sleep, dreaming, and the Bardos, Andrew purposefully initiates students into nocturnal practices, facilitating their capacity to live, and to die, consciously. They embody what it means to live and to die awake. Blending the ancient wisdom of the East with modern knowledge from the West, Andrew takes complexity and blends in laser-like clarity and a medicinal dose of humor, allowing the body and spirit [not the thinking mind] to listen... and to ultimately wake in.
"It’s possible to go so deep into ourselves that we’ll pop out into the Universe. You can go deep enough within to find nothing… only to find everything."
~ Andrew
Andrew Holecek
Thom Cavalli
Thom is a prolific writer, alchemical coach, experiential teacher, and Jungian psychologist. The human challenge of facilitating the psychological evolution of mind/psyche into spiritualized matter [embodiment] is Thom’s life-long devotion. This calling is reflected in his books Alchemical Psychology: Old Recipes for Living in a New World and Embodying Osiris, as well as articles published in scholarly Jungian journals. The Egyptian myths, our earthy elements in tandem with the alchemical elements, nature, the human psyche, the ancient texts of all world traditions are his libraries. He’s traveled to mystical places including Egypt, India, and Asia to meet master alchemists, presenting his work to Masons, Theosophists, magicians, and students of the esoteric traditions.
There is no straight line for an alchemist. Rather, it’s an individuated journey experienced in the laboratory of life. Thom invites us into the creation and purification of an energetic and psychological body capable of holding the great experiment of human transformation.