Graduate Events
The journey of awakening continues because being awake is not a fixed destination. Rather being awake is the realization that in each moment I have a choice of how to show up in that moment. This realization is a foundational skill taught at Nine Gates Mystery School.

Each Graduate Event is a stand-alone, in-depth training that builds on the energetic technology and skills of the Mystery School. The integrative, stand-alone design allows Graduates to create his or her own learning curriculum. Although Initiates of the Esoteric School are required to graduate from the Mystery School as a prerequisite, there are instances when a Graduate Event may open to non-Graduate attendees. Therefore, if you have not attended the Mystery School and are interested in an upcoming Graduate Program, please contact us.
Teachers: Charlie Morley with Deborah Jones
In unique, individuated ways, we are each in the process of awakening. We experience moments of bright awareness in either our dreaming and/or waking states, yet are unable to break through and stabilize full lucidity. Why?
Explorations at Mystery School revealed how an orientation to the past can bind us in a cul-de-sac of perceived spiritual growth rather than inviting in the creation of a future-oriented trajectory of evolution. We worked diligently gate by gate, exploring the vibrational quality of our energy field and its spiritual psychology, resulting in lucid body awareness. With our Mystery School foundation we can access the fertile soil of dreams now, investigating and shifting our most hidden karmic patterns of thinking and behaving while anchoring experienced awareness into our reawaking consciousness.
Now you might say, Oh Deborah, I don’t remember my dreams. I would respond, The most awake part of our consciousness remembers everything. However, we were taught to believe that the “dream of life” is real, and our nocturnal life is a fantasy. We can train to flip a switch in our awareness ~ a switch capable of shifting that distorted view. And dreaming collectively ~ as a community invested in lessening suffering in our world ~ provides a shared tantric field, where all is possible.
Charlie and I are excited to experiment right along with you during these powerful five days.
Teachers: John Lockley with Deborah Jones
John is one of the first white men in recent history to become a fully-initiated sangoma priest in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa. In the Foreword of John’s book, Leopard Warrior, our Malidona Some wrote, “John is testimony to the ways in which the African ancestry pick and choose who they want to be the voice of their wisdom in the world… His life is a testimony of a hero’s journey into uncharted territories. He is an artisan of these teachings and more… his work deserves respect and reverence.”
Having spent a long weekend in ceremony with John recently, I completely agree. I am honored to introduce all of you to John… and he, in turn, to introduce you to the Way of the Leopard!
The angst of our world seems to be reaching epic proportions… succumbing to chaos and disharmony. The crisis is one of soul loss with the cure residing in the “heart of the matter” (the returning to our humanity, thus returning to our true self). The teachings of Africa speak about the heart, blood, and bones… reconnecting us to nature and our ancestors. Our healing! ~John Lockley
John is excited to be invited into our Graduate community. And I’m excited to be working
with him designing an event that will meet us right where we are – within our deep commitment to nature, our appreciation for the Earth and her dreaming, our direct experiences of embodiment, and our
desire to participate in exploring and restoring the African teachings that we forgot… and that with our remembrance can restore our connection to humanity and our place its evolution.