Mystery School

Mystery School is an inter-spiritual experience of total immersion with 9 Master Teachers from the Hawaiian, Native American, Spiritual Psychology, Sufi, esoteric Christian, Hindu, Sound Healing, Kabbalah, and Buddhist wisdom traditions.
Organized around the human energy centers [chakras], the teachings and direct experiences of Mystery School trace the movement of human awakening up the spine, from root to transpersonal. The School is an intense training of embodiment, psychological and spiritual energies, mindfulness, non-dual awareness, and the evolving capacity of the human heart field.
Description of the Gates
Why use the chakras as the framework? Each chakra represents a specific bandwidth of vibration which influences how we interpret and respond to life ~ how we think, act, and relate to the world around us. When our energetic body is fine-tuned, our world looks different to us and our life significantly changes… because we change how we relate to life.

“Each one of the chakras (the gates) reflects a basic, inalienable right. Reclaiming these rights is a necessary part of our healing.”

First Gate
The first gate is about embodied presence; recognizing that your body, attuned to the rhythms and cycles of nature, the Earth, and the heavens, is part of an interrelating symphony of vibration. First gate is about freeing yourself from aversions and prejudices related to your physical form. It’s about rediscovering your body’s innate wisdom and its capacity to become a vessel capable of receiving increasing levels of consciousness [shakti]. These higher, more refined energies are metered by your body’s capacity to hold and stabilize them. Your body is a star map.

Second Gate
Once you experience embodied presence and your right to be here, in your body, you can approach the second gate grounded. At the second gate, you experience the importance of being connected to more than yourself. In the true spirit of community, you recognize you can be safe without the need to dominate or conform. You know yourself as integral to the collective ~ to its health and growth. And that you too are nourished and challenged to grow there. The second gate is your center of creativity, the storehouse of your powerful, creative [sexual] forces. It is your center of truth and healing.
I am connected to the rhythms and cycles of life and everything around me. Through this connection, I am supported by all I open to, and nourish in return. My creative life force is available to me. I stand in my truth. I am alive.

Third Gate
Feeling the grounded support of communal spirit and the ability to use your creative life-force as a tool of transformation, you can open to the third gate ~ into the emotional storehouse of your egoic present personality. Life’s experiences, and your dualistic interpretations of them, can create reactive response patterns constellated by stories you tell yourself about who you are. These stories often present either self-diminishing or self-aggrandizing views of your true Essence; all conceived to mask insecurities and pain. At the third gate you train to make friends with your emotions and take off masks that no longer serve. You experience your center of will, free of obscurations, as a powerful force of manifesting.
I am liberated from the wounds and stories that disguise my Essence and diminish who I truly am. When my will aligns with Thy Will, I can move into the world as a conscious co-creator of my life.

Fourth Gate
When the first three gates are activated, you approach the heart [gate four] grounded, available, able to connect without distorted needs. You sense your place with the world. You are aware of how you compress or distort your Essence, allowing emotions to control rather than initiating the right use of your will. You no longer feel helpless. Approaching the heart in this way is foundational to an open, stabilized heart field ~ a heart able to open to the pain and suffering of the world, and to remain open in compassion. You experience an integrated Truth that the Love, the Lover, and the Beloved are truly one…and that One is far more than you can imagine.
I can love without need. I am not afraid that if I open my heart I will be overwhelmed by the pain of the world. I stand strong, for the Love of the Universe flows through me, non-personalized. I am that Love. I am the Lover. And I am the Beloved. In ceaseless movement Toward the One.

The above teachings and experiences form the Foundational Pyramid of Part I

The journey continues into the higher vibrations, building the Inverted Pyramid of Expansion of Part II

Fifth Gate
At Mystery School, the fifth gate is called the high heart. At the fourth gate, your love may still have a sense of a separate “I” that is loving. In this way, love is experienced through a subject / object orientation. At the high heart passage, the subject / object [you/me] perspective of love entirely shifts. Your world view dramatically changes. Your unobscured high heart becomes an undeniable organ of perception; a turning point where form and spirit reside in equanimity. Out of this union emerges a quiet joy and devotion which knows stillness as its celebration.
I am Love without need. I am a bridge between heaven and earth, rooted in both form and formless yet unbound by either. I am human and God – non-dual, not separate. The chalice of my high heart receives and overflows with the Wisdom of Divine, Unconditioned Love.

Sixth Gate
The sixth gate is the powerful energy of your throat. The sounds you create with your voice [tones or words] have the power to harm or heal ~ to destroy or create. We know this. Yet we continue using our voices unconsciously, perpetuating a world environment filled with judgment-laden sound and the noise of nightmares. When used with awareness and attention, your throat becomes an instrument of penetrating truth and trust, a tool for greater clarity and intimacy. Speech, when engaged consciously, becomes a high form of interpersonal meditation. At the throat, the teachings of the five lower gates supports free expression of feelings and needs without projection, judgment, or verbal violence.
My voice is a healing instrument in this world. Each sound I make can either do harm or restore harmony. I choose to use my speech as an invitation into wakefulness, speaking my truth, healing with my words. I am a healer. My voice is my healing instrument.

Seventh Gate
The third eye [gate seven] opens a doorway into the unseen ~ the world of intuition, other ways of knowing, communicating with the spirit world, and experiencing what is invisible to your physical eyes. An open third eye allows you to explore yourself as unbound by fixed ideas of reality. The grounded realizations of the lower gates anchor strong embodied awareness, supporting the third eye energy of transcendence ~ providing an opening rather than a “leaving”. Third eye awareness integrated into the body allows wisdom from the unseen to spring into sensorial experience; becoming beneficial in your spiritual development, channeled into life and this World.
I see into the unseen realms, beyond perceived reality. My “vision” is limitless. My wisdom extends beyond what can be seen with my physical eyes, heard, felt, sensed in my normal state of awareness. My intuition informs my embodied knowing. I am alive in all worlds, seen and invisible.

Eighth Gate
Gate eight is the gateway into the bardos of death and dying. The entire Mystery School journey teaches the importance of letting go ~ letting go of false notions of self, other, and your perceived reality. Through a cultivated interior stillness, you can approach death as yet another passage, knowing the vibration at which you leave your body during the dying process strongly influences your experiences after death. You become acutely aware that at the moment of death the only thing you truly have is the quality of your consciousness; the only thing you truly have at every moment. To die without clinging or pushing away. To die alive, vital, with my will in alignment with Divine Will, and a non-dual understanding of human life and Divine existence. Death then no longer is your trap, but your gateway to liberation.
I am connected to the infinite, unbounded by form. I know physical life as an impermanent state of being, thus freeing me from the fear of death. I surrender into the ultimate Letting Go of the need for form… thus accessing the infinite form. I am an essential part of the infinite.

Ninth Gate
Something ineffable survives death ~ not your body, your present personality, outer attainments, or ideas about self. And that Something continues. At gate nine you experience death as a leap into the Consciousness from which you came; a Source you never truly left. All ideas of me and you as being separate, ideas of man and God as being separate, all thoughts or beliefs that reality exists independent from your mind’s interpretation of duality… all fold into the ultimate reality of non-dual Consciousness. You look into the mirror and it is God’s eyes you see looking back. You see yourself in everything. You are free to choose what rebirth or no birth serves. You are liberated!
I Am the Infinite. I Am. There are no boundaries between the perceived me and the truth of my non-dual Self. I source beyond all constructs of subject/object separation. No boundaries exist. I Am That. I am here, yet unbounded by any hereness. I am Liberated. I am Whole.